The Light of the world

While we were camping, I sat on the beach watching the kids play. There was an older couple there watching their grand-daughter play with my boys. I was thinking about the gospel and sort of complaining in my mind to the Lord. I over analyze most everything in my life and the gospel is no exception. Everywhere I go there are people. Ernie and I went to this little town out in the sticks and guess what? More people! They are everywhere. I was asking the Lord in my mind, how are you going to do this?

When I was a kid, and I got to thinking about Santa Claus it just didn’t add up. How on earth could one man get to all those kids in one night? It wasn’t possible! Like the little man on Princess Bride-“inconceivable!” I have carried this doubt into my walk with the Lord. Sort of making Jesus like Santa Claus-not on purpose of course and I didn’t realize I had done it until this day.

As the sun warmed my skin I thought of Greg and Rebecca enjoying them-selves in
San Diego and laughed at my cheesy little beach. But then I had this clear thought.. “They are being warmed by the same sun I am right now.” It struck me as such a strange thought then I just thanked the Lord for this thought. It almost made me cry.

I had my answer.

Instantly Bro Mears voice came into my head teaching on the sun and the son. I remember him spelling out which one he meant because we could easily get them confused in this teaching. The two are so alike! They are the light of the world, they give life (you really realize it after a cold camping night..) and they singly can touch millions of people.

So my question to how Lord? Is Him. He is how this will be accomplished. He is the light of the world. We need nothing more than Him. He will do what He says He will do. He isn’t Santa, He isn’t a fairy tale. He is the Christ. Just like the sun that rises today, warms people in Japan and
Africa. He will touch everyone.

This verse stuck out to me today in reading. It was what reminded me of all this-

Luk 11:33 “No one after lighting a lamp puts it in a cellar or under a basket, but on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light. Luk 11:34 Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light, but when it is bad, your body is full of darkness. Luk 11:35 Therefore be careful lest the light in you be darkness. Luk 11:36 If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, it will be wholly bright, as when a lamp with its rays gives you light.”

We can affect people if we are in the light. We can be a part of what shines in this earth. But only if our eyes aren’t full of darkness. Our eyes need to be healthy, full of Him. Nothing else can be obstructing my view. My eyes cannot be fixed on ANYTHING in this world. Or I will not be able to be of any influence. I fail, so often, daily I fail. But I prayed this morning, give us this day our daily bread. We can today be healthy. We can eat of the bread; our eyes can be healthy, full of light. He wants them to be.

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7 Responses to The Light of the world

  1. Ernie says:

    “Nothing else can be obstructing my view. My eyes cannot be fixed on ANYTHING in this world”

    This came up this morning its about that “other Love” putting people before ourselves. Nothing can be obstructing my view (especially when my eyes or on me). Ahh the servant mindset what freedom it is to serve-

    Rom 12:9 Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.
    Rom 12:10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.

    Rom 12:13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.

    Rom 12:16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.

    Great post!

  2. aaron c says:

    I concur, excellent post. I got a lot out of the thought that the same sun that blesses us, blesses people in Guam. Lord, help me to reflect the light…

  3. Ernie says:

    Lets start a church in Guam.

  4. Ernie says:

    Above link is broken, you will have to copy and paste it.

  5. Gina says:

    I love the way God answers our questions. He will touch this world and reap the harvest… as He told His disciples, the harvest is many, but the workers are few… let’s pray that God will touch more hearts to work for Him. I pray that I will be a good and faithful one He can use. Great thoughts:)

    I hope we can go to campmeeting. I really want to… but we need to find somewhere to stay – the gas alone is going to kill us;) Not to mention my not-american-friendly diet (I usually can’t eat mtg food:). Anyways, I am praying God will provide and make a way. If we get to go, we will definitely dance together and worship in the Spirit:)

  6. Sarah says:

    Gina, we will be staying on the campground for that part of it. Then, our friends parents keep us, the Davis’ when its convention time. Im sure there is room if you get word out that you need somewhere to stay. Gas is SO expensive I cant believe it. 3.09, its like 20.00 everytime I leave my house. We need relief! I cant eat campmeeting food either, it is so scary and greasy. The best was when I was pregnant. The sight of chili nachos at 11pm still makes me want to barf! eew. lol

  7. Gina says:

    I remember staying in the dorms upstairs when Micaiah was little and it was just her then… it was neat being w/ so many sisters. Anywho, well I’ll just have to talk w/ some people… if you get any leads, let me know:)

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