A Spinner in the Sun

Reading this online book called, “2 am” by Walter Lanyon. We found out about him because he was on a list of people that influenced one of our favorite Heroes of Faith, C.T. Studd. This little book, 2am, was a compilation of little snippits of thoughts the author got at 2am. He woke at this time for over a year with bursts of revelation he calls it. I really am enjoying some of the thoughts. Anyways, this one is called, Spinner in the Sun. I have gotten a lot out of this story for a few weeks now. Our path comes from within!



A large black spider ran swiftly along his elaborate web suspended in mid-air between two branches of a swaying willow tree. The early morning sun hit the diadem of dew drops and made them spurt rainbow lights in a magic circle about his splendid achievement.

He, like some magnificent Feudal Lord, suddenly let himself glide through space to the far reaches of his domain to reinforce a guy wire, made a lordly inspection of his estate and returned as suddenly and as easily as he had descended, to rest in silken dalliance in the center of his universe.

I looked at this masterpiece of engineering, any master engineer would have been proud to have created a like thing, and yet the spider had drawn it all from within himself. His whole world and way of expression came from within. He unwound his web upon which he was to go. Effortlessly traveled blithely over it and then retrieved it at will.

As I stood there watching the amazing spectacle the words of Jesus came forcibly to me – “I Am the Way” – the way of every man lies within him. Until he discovers that he lays his own way and travels it, he will insist that some outside influence is affecting his course in life. This sudden realization that everything has to come from within may jolt the lazy old human thought out of its self hypnosis; but the sooner it is discovered the sooner will the results take place which he has been seeking for so many years. How is it that Jesus repeatedly says “Look within – ask Me – Call upon Me – whatsoever you ask” and a host of other things, if the resources or the wherewithal from which to produce these things were not there? “Go within – shut the door,” etc., a thousand and one admonitions are given to find within yourself the thing you are looking for on the outside. Find it first as a reality, as the spider, before he plumbs his first line, finds the completed web within himself. “I AM The Way” – I AM is the Christ within you, your personal Christ.

Man, having lost his way in the maze of human thought, has failed to hear the words “I AM the way” – and continues to try to demonstrate the way of LIFE. He is all-unsuspecting that he too has within him all that is necessary to “go” anywhere he desires. as with the spider, he has it all within himself but he keeps trying to get it on the outside.

The moment he discovers this inner resource he will re-orientate himself and chart his way by the sky Map given him by Jesus the Christ.

No man can by thinking do much, but by consciousness and recognition of his Divinity he can find a “way ye know not of” – he can escape the hopeless pattern of human destiny and Karmic debt. He will understand then how it is he must “be still and know that I am God” – and how it also is “then went he in and shut the door.”

Some of the magic of BEING “the Way” instead of trying to demonstrate an outside force, is shown in the movements of Jesus – when “instantly he was on the other side of the lake” – can you think that out – or make a way by which this would be possible? I believe not – you have to BE the WAY – or can you imagine demonstrating the way through a crowd? Unless you discover this wonderful capacity something or somebody is continually blocking your progress – but once you recognize it – then you manifest it. You are the Spinner in the Sun. It is wonderful – “I AM the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIGHT.” Your way is within you, chart your own sky map.


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1 Response to A Spinner in the Sun

  1. Gina says:

    We just heard tonight about how we do not utilize the amazing power given to us in the Holy Spirit. So true… I appreciate your illustration:)

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