
The Voice of the Lord


Sh’ol and Abaddon are never satisfied, and human eyes are never satisfied. (Proverbs 27:20).

Yeshua told us that HaSatan (the Adversary) is the father of lies and that the whole world is under his influence. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that there is a fundamental deception that underlies the world system. It constantly promises something that it is unable to deliver—satisfaction. The illusion is that whatever we pursue—positions, possessions, or experiences— will somehow bring us inner peace. Yet it never happens. A more-desired object is always just over the next hill, and after climbing it, there suddenly appears one more obstacle to achieving our goal. Even if one is able to get hold of it, the result is still unfulfilling. It is not possible for the human soul to be satisfied with things.

This, however, is not bad, but part of the design of God. In Romans 8, we are told that the creation itself was subjected to futility so that the freedom for which every created being longs could only be found in the Creator. God uses this to bring people to himself and also to keep his children on the straight path. The journey can only be enjoyed when our eyes and hearts are not focused on the journey itself, but on him whose kingdom and manifest presence should be the goal of all we do.

…no longer allow the things of this world to blind me to their temporal nature and false promises. I will see beyond them to the place of contentment in the Lord, whose finished work has delivered me out of darkness and into his marvelous light.

I dont really have time to post but I wanted to post todays daily devotion- it touched me. It talks about a longing within us, there is a longing inside of us-God designed it that way! What are we fill that longing with is up to us. The world does totally 100% promise SATASFACTION. Something that can never be obtained unless you have the peace of God inside of you. A more-desired object is always just over the next hill, but the freedom for which every created being longs could only be found in the Creator. Wow.

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